Leading With A Dynamic Mindset

This week we are hosting a Lunch and Learn on board innovation. The theme is about shifting to a dynamic or growth mindset at the board level. So often we hear from our nonprofit leaders that their board is stuck, focusing on the organization's ever-present challenges and asking the Executive Director to fix them. Vu Lee highlighted this phenomenon in a blog post a few years ago: https://nonprofitaf.com/2022/03/board-members-please-check-your-egos-at-the-door/ (.) He rightly pointed out that “Boards are groups of volunteers who give a lot of time, money, and skills to nonprofits, and should be appreciated. But like funders, you wield enormous power in our sector, which means no one is telling you the truth, and the truth is that many of you are causing a ton of damage”. 

Regrettably, this scenario is all too common: a Board Chair overestimating their authority, or a faction of board members attempting to micromanage the Executive Director, easily results in conflicts, distrust, and ultimately, a loss of effective leadership. Why does this keep happening? Vu suggests that it's ego, and that’s part of it. But also, we believe, it has a lot to do with a lack of clear roles and responsibilities together with a static mindset. Nonprofit organizations are stuck in this outdated model. It’s past time to hit the reset button on this board dynamic!

In the upcoming webinar, we illuminate the opportunity to shift board culture from a static mindset to a dynamic mindset. The growth mindset embraces change (think about the natural seasons and the stages of the organizational life cycle). Those with growth mindsets embrace challenges, persist through obstacles, learn from criticism, and are inspired by the success of others. With the growth mindset, we can acknowledge our failures and find inspiration to keep improving. 

Instead of continuing on the path of dysfunction, the board can focus on the strengths of its directors and apply them appropriately to further the organization’s mission. This shift in organizational culture takes time and a lot of work, but it’s possible and imperative! Join us Wednesday (04/10 @ 12 p.m.) to learn more 

More information and the registration link for “Board Innovation: Shifting Mindsets and Structures” is on our website: https://www.thenonprofitstrategygroup.com/webinars/lunch-and-learn-board-innovation


Is a Strengths-Based Approach Toxic?


Building a Strengths-Based Board