Channeling Passion Into Action Using Appreciative Inquiry
Passion is frequently cited as being the #1 desired quality in nonprofit Board members. But this begs the question, is passion enough? And the answer is a resounding “no.”
Allow me to provide an example. Driving home from a nonprofit networking event last week, I observed three drivers who apparently had vast amounts of passion for their driving, and each of them came close to causing accidents. In this scenario acting on passion alone created chaos for the other drivers on the road. Other qualities and skills - awareness, a willingness to meet established expectations, making space for others - might temper the passions, but will lead to better outcomes for everybody. Passion alone does not make a good driver, nor does it make a good board member!
So, do we ask our Board members to leave their passion at the door before being seated at the board table? No. Crushing passion isn’t the answer.
TNSG’s approach to strategic planning begins with tapping into (and sometimes reigniting) the passion that Board members, staff, and volunteers have for the mission of their organizations. Tapping into passion is an essential component of engagement, teamwork, and the work of conceptualizing the best possible future for their organizations.
Two Appreciative Inquiry tools that we frequently utilize with clients to harness the power of their passions are:
Appreciative Inquiry Interview Questions (Center for Appreciative Inquiry)
This set of questions digs into the personal experiences of (in the case of strategic planning) Board members, staff, and volunteers and leverages these positive reflections to fuel their engagement in building a strong future for their organizations.
How the 4-D Process Works (David Cooperrider & Associates)
The 4-D Cycle is a framework to manage organizational change. Each component provides opportunities for team members to engage with passion. Some people have a preference for designing systems, others for dreaming big. This strengths-based process is a model in which the talents and passions of all team-members are channeled towards the creation of strong, visionary, and bold strategic plans.
Both of these Appreciative Inquiry tools can be employed to harness the passion that Board members have for the cause and channel that passion into actionable tasks. Passion alone isn’t enough, but it is essential fuel for the creation plans, goals, and strategies that will transform the impact that a nonprofit organization will have in its service to the community for years to come.