It seems like everywhere you go people are talking about mental health - maybe not by that term - more likely, stress, anxiety, burnout, isolation - which are used to characterize what can be a more serious issue. But stigma keeps getting in the way of talking about the REAL issues. Even for organizations whose mission is mental health and wellbeing, stigma is ever-present(1). 

It’s clear we haven’t solved the issue of stigma in the workplace and I’m afraid we have many more decades to go before it is resolved. To add to the complexity, we have been increasingly isolated and disconnected as a result of the pandemic. Even for us introverts, there is a limit to our solitude. Depression and anxiety, among other conditions, are intensified when support is limited and our ability to connect socially is stifled. 

Beyond everyday emotions, one in five adults experience a mental health disorder each year (that number only reflects those reported), and most are employed. The stigma surrounding mental illness at work prevents eight out of ten of these workers from reaching out for support. Employees are human beings who may be experiencing stress, anxiety, irritability, sadness, or any number of emotions – and as an employer, it’s important to make sure your team members feel supported and valued in times of need (2).

Only 36% of employees say their organization provides adequate resources to manage stress. Additionally, untreated mental illness costs companies $193 billion annually in lost productivity.

One of the ways in which you, as a nonprofit leader, can improve the visibility of mental health conditions and overall wellness, and take steps toward helping employees identify and manage their mental health, is to reduce the stigma surrounding it. Here are some helpful ideas from Lyra Health (3): 

Six Ways to Reduce Stigma in the Workplace

1. Model mental health at work 

Stop keeping your mid-day walks a secret. The best way to show employees that their health and well-being are important is to lead by example. Take the paid time off (PTO) that is available to you, and consider being open about taking time off to attend therapy, or do something self-care-related, such as disconnecting from technology, or spending time with family and friends.

2. Talk openly about mental health

Feeling anxious? Having a hard day? It’s OK to share that. When managers and company leaders talk openly about their mental health, it sends a message to employees that they are welcome to discuss their own challenges at work. In fact, research shows that this type of authentic leadership builds trust and improves employee performance. P.S. You still need to maintain boundaries and people still need to do their job, this doesn’t eliminate either of those from occurring. 

3. Create an inclusive, supportive environment so everyone feels comfortable asking for help

Discussing mental health benefits in company-wide emails or during all-hands meetings is an effective way to communicate that seeking mental health care isn’t a luxury or a sign of weakness. Mentorship programs, dedicated Slack channels, employee resource groups (ERGs), or even grassroots-supported community spaces can all help cultivate psychological safety and inclusivity at work. 

4. Use person-centered (or person-first) language when talking about mental health issues

Steer clear of inappropriate or insensitive remarks about mental illness. Words matter, and referring to someone as “crazy” or minimizing someone’s humanity to a label such as “addict” only reinforces mental health stigma. Replace this language with person-centered language, such as, “a person with a substance abuse disorder.” (4)

5. Participate in mental health awareness campaigns

While employers can’t treat mental health issues like depression and anxiety, they do have the power to break down barriers to treatment. Create ongoing mental health awareness campaigns, or offer training and workshops that educate employees about mental illness and encourage them to seek help. Take advantage of one of the many awareness days that take place from May through October. Such as Mental Health Awareness Month in May, Minority Mental Health Month in July, National Recovery Month and National Suicide Prevention Week in September, and World Mental Health Day on October 10th. Take this time to share resources, articles, and inspirational stories of lived experiences and recovery—you never know who it will help. We sure don’t have a shortage of days to recognize mental health! However, now more than ever, mental health is important every day not just on the earmarked awareness months/weeks.

6. Ensure employees have easily accessible, comprehensive mental health care 

Mental health is often treated as a secondary benefit offering that is deprioritized over physical health plans. However, surveys show employees want parity between the mental health and physical health benefits their employers offer. Offering a truly comprehensive benefit that makes it easy for employees to quickly access evidence-based care demonstrates that your company isn’t just making a symbolic gesture of support, but that you’ve invested in making a tangible difference in employees’ health and well-being.







