Register for Board Member Bootcamp!
Board members are a critical (and necessary) component of a nonprofit organization. Board members are crucial volunteers who share important responsibilities. Unfortunately, we find that most board members are unsure of their responsibilities, unclear about their roles, and lack cohesiveness.
The role of the board of directors is to function as a cohesive unit to meet the legal and ethical standards of a not-for-profit corporation. When the board lacks comprehension of its responsibilities, fails to leverage its strengths, and lacks a shared vision and cohesive direction, two outcomes can occur:
The board lacks engagement and fails to uphold its fiduciary duties
The board becomes overly involved in the day-to-day, micromanages the staff, and oversteps leading to dysfunction
Neither of these situations are optimal. The first scenario results in stress and frustration for the Executive Director, who often ends up shouldering additional responsibilities. The second scenario causes stress, and frustration, and strains relationships, potentially leading to animosity and distrust between the Executive Director and the Board. From our observations, this often results in the Executive Director leaving the organization.
None of this is surprising! The governing structure imposed on nonprofits is archaic and hasn’t worked well for decades. It is possible to create an engaged, well-functioning board. It starts with having knowledgeable board members equipped with the tools and education necessary to do their jobs well.
There’s a great opportunity for board members to receive a full day of education through the Colorado Nonprofit Association on August 7th! The Nonprofit Strategy Group is facilitating an interactive workshop in Denver (location TBD):
The role of the board of directors (governance is a team sport!)
Responsibilities of individual directors
Common challenges and strengths-based solutions
Fundraising, accountability, performance evaluations, and the ambassadorial role
Tips and tools for becoming an awesome board member
Send your board members and set your organization up for success in 2025! This one-day training (comes with lunch) and only costs $100.00 (for CNA Members) and
$175.00 (for Non-members). We look forward to seeing you there!