Women's Equality Day and the Nonprofit Sector
Women’s Equality Day marks the certification of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution which granted women the right to vote - white women. Pointing out the irony implicit in the name given to this day isn’t perhaps necessary - but it is important.
Putting a spotlight on Women’s Equality Day is actually an opportunity to highlight inequities that still exist. Efforts to disenfranchise people across the nation are ongoing, and it is evident that the fight for equality is also ongoing.
The nonprofit sector is and always has been a critical component in the fight for equality. Nationally, the sector plays a crucial role in providing services for people, strengthening the communities we live in, and facilitating civil engagement. Although the challenges of running a nonprofit organization seem overwhelming at times, the collective impact of this sector is cause for hope, optimism, and celebration.
The success of the nonprofit sector is largely attributable to women, who make up 73% of its workforce. According to decades of research, women leaders out-perform male leaders in most key leadership competencies. Women leaders help increase productivity, enhance collaboration, inspire organizational dedication, and improve fairness. Why is it then, that women are undercompensated for their work relative to men?
We are all indebted to those who work in the nonprofit sector. Putting our confidence in and actively supporting nonprofit organizations is one way in which we can all actively engage in the pursuit of equality and a better future for generations to come.