Summary of 2022

We thought it might be helpful to you for us to share our blogs from 2022 in one place, and in conveniently grouped categories! Our goal in writing these blogs is simple: to provide ideas and strategies to support your nonprofit leadership.

Please feel free to copy and paste these links and send them to the people who you think might benefit. The blogs on board development, for example, should be of interest to all your board members. Forward them and begin the January Board meeting with their responses.

We strive to include ideas that are useful. If you have different perspectives or additional ideas, please let us know – and/or please share your ideas and perspectives when we post our blogs on social media. We welcome comments and dialogue on social media. Please ‘like’ our       LinkedIn and Facebook pages and keep the conversation going.

The Nonprofit Strategy Group also presents free quarterly webinars on themes relating to nonprofit management. Our next webinar, How To Be Awesome:  Board Members As Ambassadors, is scheduled for March 8th. Register HERE.

To receive our blogs and other news/resources on a monthly basis, please subscribe to our newsletter by clicking HERE.

See you all in 2023!

Richard and Amanda


Leading Your Nonprofit Into the New Year


8 Reasons We Are Grateful for You